
Did you know that health care in the UK contributes 5.4% of the UK’s carbon emissions. And 23% of that comes from primary care. Fortunately, most of the solutions for the planet also make our health better – for example eating a mainly plant-based diet, engaging in active travel and exercise in nature, avoiding smoking, and reducing pollution all enhance our health and reduce our need for medications, with further benefits to the NHS, your health and the carbon footprint of healthcare.

To read more about the environment and your health take a look here:

We are delighted to take part in the Green Impact for Health Toolkit. We are taking steps to reduce our carbon footprint and as a result you may see changes in the way we work and the building around you. From the sort of paper we use to the type of inhalers we prescribe.

If you have any suggestions for greener change we would love to hear them.

What are we doing?

  • Optimising inhalers
  • Calculate practice’s caron footprint
  • Use the green impact for health toolkit
  • Biodiversity & habitat – enhancing our green spaces
  • Internal communication, learning & training
  • Promote active transport for both staff and patients

How can you help?

Greener travel:

  • Reduce travelling to the surgery – use telephone consultations, receive documents by text or email.
  • Walk, cycle or use public transport to get to your appointment or to collect medication.
  • Car sharing.

Avoid Medication Waste:

  • Make sure you only order the medications you need.
  • Avoid stock-piling.
  • Check your medication bag before leaving the pharmacy – once you have left the building the medication cannot be returned – reject unwanted medication.


  • Change your search engine to Ecosia so each search helps to plant new trees.


  • Did you know you can recycle inhalers? Take them back to the pharmacy. The aluminium is re-made into other products, such as car parts or components for air conditioning units.
  • Changing your inhaler to a dry-powder inhaler significantly reduces carbon footprint. Ask at your next review if you can switch.

Asthma Inhalers and the Environment