Children’s Social Prescribing

What is a Children and Young Person Social Prescriber (CYPSP)?

A CYPSP supports Children, young people and their parent/carers to make connections to community-based support. They focus on ‘what matters to you?’ and work together with you to build a plan to achieve this. They recognise that everyone is different and tailor support accordingly.

Eligibility Criteria

To be supported by a Children and Young Person (CYP) Social prescriber you will need to be:

  • 4-18 years old
  • Socially Isolated including Struggling with mild to moderate mental health concerns; low mood, anxiety etc.
  • Finding school difficult; not engaging with school or home schooled.
  • Not currently receiving input being from CAMHS.

The support we offer

4-10 years

  • Signposting, supporting with referrals and referring to local groups/organisation tailored to the need of parent or child.
  • Liaise with schools if necessary.

11-18 years

  • Signposting, supporting with referrals and referring to local groups/organisation tailored to the need of parent or child.
  • Offer 1:1 wellbeing support to YP in an appropriate setting e.g. home, school or Health centre. Focus on support on low level wellbeing guidance ‘5 ways to Wellbeing’, set goals to improve general wellbeing.Take 5 Leaflet 01_23 final.pdf (
  • Liaise with schools if necessary.

To be referred to the service contact our reception or speak to one of our healthcare professionals.

Useful resources

General support for children, young people and parents

Happy maps: Help and resources for Children’s Mental Health

Childline: Confidential online support for under 19s

Health for Teens Devon: A place to get tailored advice created by School nursing team.

The Mix: Advice and support groups for under 25s.

Sleep Hub: Sleep advice for children.

Online safety: Tips on keeping children or young people safe online.

Action for Children: Parenting support.

For parents and carers in Devon | Services | Action for Children:  Devon family hub support service for the parenting journey. Offering access to groups/ advice.

What is Early Help? (for families) – Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership: Extra support your family can receive through collaborative working by all services involved with your family, e.g. school, health professionals etc.


Devon Family Hubs | Action for Children: Serving as a central point of access to advice for all families, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) up to age 25. Contact their advice line or use the ‘Request for Support’ form on the website.

Neurodiversity – Children and Family Health Devon: Information on neurodiversity, pathway for referral explanation, and useful resources.

Devon Information Advice and Support: Information, advice and support for children and young people with SEND, and their parents and carers.

Autism and Us – Education and Families: Online training provided for parents of children that have been accepted on the ASD waiting list.

Cerbera Sleep Advice Service: Sleep advice and tips for Children and young people with neurodiversity/SEND

Calmer Lives: Provides therapeutic behaviour support to families or carers of children, young people and adults with neurological differences, such as ASC, PDA, ADHD/ADD.

Devon Digital Webinars & Bite Sized Info SessionsOnline webinars for parents with SEND.

Parent Carers Forum Devon: Their aim is to make sure that services provided by education, health and care meet the needs of children with SEND and their families.

Molehill Mountain | Autistica: An app to help autistic people understand and self-manage anxiety.

Mental Health resources for children and young people

Lumi Nova: A digital therapy in the format of a mobile games app to help children and young people (7-12) learn to self-manage, reduce symptoms of anxiety, build resilience and thrive. Free for families in Devon.

Kooth: Free Online Counselling and community for young people aged 11-18 years old.

YoungMinds: Mental health charity providing useful information for young people, including tips on management and support.  

Shout: UK text service offering free, confidential 24/7 mental health support via text for those that are struggling to cope. 

stem4 – supporting teenage mental health: Promotes mental health support for teenagers, creating apps that can support self care and resilience building.

Beat: UK Eating Disorder charity providing information and support for young people struggling with an eating disorder.

OCD-UK: A national OCD charity, run by, and for people with lived experience of OCD, providing advice and support for those with OCD & their families.